One of the most important choices you will make in the process of getting a prenup is whether you will start the process with mediation in order to help you and your future spouse define the terms of the prenuptial agreement together with the help of a neutral facilitator.

Tag mediating prenuptial agreements

10 Things I Hate About Prenuptial Agreements

A significant part of my law practice is a steady stream of prenuptial agreements for clients who are embarking on marriage. Generally (but not always), I represent the less-moneyed spouse.

Is Mediating Prenups a Form of Marital Mediation?

My mediation practice during the past several years has taken a turn towards mediating prenuptial agreements. Here’s how it happened. 

Where does Marital Mediation Fit In?

During the past quarter century, academics and others writing about mediation have characterized styles of mediation as belonging to one of three categories: “facilitative”, “evaluative” and “transformative”. 

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